How many countries does Freyr iREADY cover?
Currently, the Freyr iREADY platform covers ingredient regulations for 79 countries in the Beauty & Personal Care segment while 73 countries in the Food and Food Supplements segment.
Which countries does iREADY Support?
- Australia
- Canada
- China
- EU
- Hong Kong
- India
- Japan
- South Korea
- Mexico
- New Zealand
- Nigeria
- South Africa
- Taiwan
- UK
How often does Freyr iREADY database get updated?
The Freyr iREADY database is updated biweekly
Who manages the latest updates on the Freyr iREADY platform?
A specialized team of Regulatory, safety and technical experts support all the updates in Freyr iREADY.
I couldn’t find the ingredient of my interest in the iREADY platform. What should I do?
Kindly write to us at ireadysupport@freyrsolutions.com or raise a ticket via the platform. The steps to raise the ticket are as follows:
Step 1: Raise a ticket on the tool (top right corner)
Step2: Specify your query
- Step3: The query would be addressed by our experts in 1-2 Business days.
Will Freyr iREADY suggest alternate ingredients, if my ingredient of interest is restricted in the market?
As of now, the platform only provides the regulatory status of the ingredients in different markets and not any alternate recommendations.
I could not see regulations for the required ingredient in the targeted country. Why is it so?
Freyr iREADY would only show ingredients which are listed or have a regulatory status in that particular market.
Can I suggest new ingredients and countries to be included in Freyr iREADY?
Yes, please share your suggestions at ireadysupport@freyrsolutions.com.
What is the future road map for the product – Freyr iREADY platform?
The vision of Freyr iREADY is to deliver automated and reliable Digital Formulation Assessment & comprehensive Global Regulatory Intelligence for Beauty & Personal Care and Food & Food Supplements Industries.
What is digital formulation assessment?
Digital Formulation Assessment is a Rule-based Regulatory Assessment of the product formula to assess its regulatory and safety compliance across different markets.
What kind of assessments does Frey iREADY conduct?
Freyr iREADY provides Assessment for Regulatory compliance of formulations based on their ingredient acceptibility and safety. market accessibility and product safety across global markets.
What are your business support timings?
We are available 24/5 from Monday to Friday. The standard Turn Around Time (TAT) for query acknowledgement is one (1) Business Day.
At what intervals do you update the ingredient news in Freyr iREADY platform?
Our Regulatory experts update the news daily on the platform.